Setting up your account for your #TeamTrees Campaign!

Tiltify News
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2019


Thank you so much for your interest in the Team Trees Campaign! Here is a quick look at how to get started, set up and decked out with our new custom overlay!

Step 1: Create an Account on Tiltify

Navigate over to and create your account. Once you do, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account!

○ PRO TIP: If you have a manager, partner, etc. that might need access to this account (to setup campaigns on your behalf, edit incentives on the fly, etc.) we highly recommend you create an account via email instead of using the login buttons for ease of access.

Sign up!

Step 2: Create your Campaign

Once you log in, click this link to begin creating your campaign: You will then see a series of setup related options for your campaign, including:
•Choosing the type of campaign (Individual)
•Naming your Campaign and URL slug (I made up the name 20 Million Trees Campaign as an example)
•Setting your start/end dates, and
•Setting your fundraising goal amount

Once that is all chosen, you will see this summary page — ensure that all the information is correct and click “Create Campaign”

Step 3: Your Campaign Dashboard

This page can be intimidating if you are new — but there are a lot of great resources here that will help your fundraising campaign succeed! If you would like to understand it all, feel free to check out this article for more information on everything your dashboard can do!

But if you don’t have time for that…

Step 4: The Essentials to Start Fundraising NOW!

  1. Publish Your Campaign — At the top of your dashboard you’ll see this. Once you click it, your campaign will be live and fundraising can begin!

2. Donation Link — This Share box will be in the bottom right-hand corner of your dashboard. Use the donate URL for chat commands/panel links to direct donations!

3. Reading Your Donations — When your campaign is published, your dashboard will turn into a donation list! If you are using any of our donation incentives (such as Rewards or Polls), you can use the Donors page to see what rewards were redeemed with their donation! You can also use this page to moderate donation comments and remove any that might be offensive.

4. Setting up the #TeamTrees custom Donation Alerts & Overlay — We created a special overlay that will track how many trees you and your community helped plant. As donations come in, Trees will grow!!! Literally!!! Your published campaign should have a link that looks similar to Copy everything after .com/ and add it to the end of this link: — For example, ours would look like:

Set this up as a Browser Capture in your Livestreaming Software (Height: 250 / Width: 650) and, if done correctly, you will have the same overlay as the one above — except it will track donations to your own campaign!

Additional Resources
Learn more about how to set up your First Campaign!
Learn more about how your Campaign Dashboard works!
Learn more about how to integrate with Streamlabs, StreamElements, and StreamJar for donation notifications, an alternate Donation Bar, Event Lists, and more!



The new generation of fundraising technology is here. Raise more for the causes you care about the most.